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In the days before Kate Middleton marry Prince William, the frenzy over exactly who was the designer of the task of real wedding dress was fostered nothing less than the international obsession.Incredibly, the notoriously loquacious habits given the world of fashion, and even in the age of Twitter and smartphones, which was a leak that Assange would not even be able to find.
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The closest anyone came to solve the mystery before Kate was really for the corridor of their ethereal ivory satin McQueen was then the great eagle Telegraph fashion editor Hilary Alexander. Bravely put his head above the parapet (correctly) explained that she was sinking into the hotel the day before Kate's marriage, Sarah Burton, creative director of McQueen, who was on the label after the death of the designer in February 2010.
Burton was a huge hunter fur hat to conceal his identity, but, surprisingly, Alexander Burton clearly identified on the basis of their "distinctive leather belt through the belt loops of pants folded," and his house "dancers".
Now for the first time Burton has on how they managed the biggest of the secrets of how to keep the 21st century, in an interview in the December issue of Vogue magazine, said today.
"It was so great to really keep a secret, especially now, when all the talk of nothing," he told the magazine.
Nobody said, but a "core team" is that Burton has done the work, Burton was not allowed to tell their own parents, and the dress was completely out of the construction site.
Vogue writer Sarah Harris argues that "the small matter of a major retrospective of Alexander McQueen at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, just four days later (wild beauty, a record 660,000 visitors), the ideal outcome of concealment, Burton would like to go back and forth among the accessories. "
Burton told Vogue: "Because my core team knew it was good for me to disappear and reappear, then disappear again, but I ask other people to remember me." Come on Friday? "And I say, 'Oh, yeah, you know in the morning. "I want to schedule meetings, knowing that it was not there for them."
Harris writes, "discerning the day that Burton would be the entrance to the abbey, the adaptation of the bride [nine feet] This process of use, practical, no doubt, said Catherine Middleton, who said he felt. Immediately comfortable with Burton, despite initial concerns McQueen as the right choice. "
Burton said: "I remember being in Westminster Abbey, thinking," This is unreal. "It was like a fairy tale. And all I could think was, "I hope I will not stumble." I do not know the extent of that much closer to the wedding day. It was a magical experience. "
The wedding dress and the large number of consultations that followed, according to Harris Burton, "port plans for the side seam of the structure of the company."
McQueen has never been hotter. In recent months, public figures like Michelle Obama, Anne Hathaway, Anna Paquin, and Cate Blanchett were seen in McQueen's creations on the red carpet.
Burton speaks in an interview on how reluctant to take on the labor market after the death of Lee McQueen.
"I am certainly not as in this work. I was at a loss, it was an important part of my life, my daily life. He could not finish his sentences, but could not finish something, and it scares me. "You added," I can not do what it was Lee, was a visionary with an incredible show, and it's not what I do .. "
Burton said, however, that the facts were significantly since the death of McQueen. "They came from a terrible moment, tragic and in this dark cloud, clothing and incredible show, and is just great for the team and so special to be part of it."