"It was the lowest lows and highest highs."
Eva Bridal owner Roni Ghusein was room boasts a remarkable series of events and emotional history Monday night when she offered this description only a little over a year after the fire that destroyed his family's favorite shop in Oak Lawn.
It was chaos that day - and in the weeks and months to follow up on - so nervous bride-to-be from all over Southern California are wondering what to do with their wedding dresses.
But here is another high: Ghusein contributed to the dawn of a new beginning for the bride with a lounge opening at its new location, 5269 W. 95th St. Oak Lawn. Was officially launched on 3rd Launched in November.
"There was never a moment to absorb what has happened," said Ghusein, having regard to the consequences of a major fire in November last year. "The day after the fire, I went directly to the store and started on pure adrenaline. There was a time to be sad. He was moving forward. I cry every five minutes because I'm so happy."
Ghusein said more than 200 brides and bridesmaids dresses lost in the great fire that damaged a Radio Shack, Miss Fantasia Boutique Advantage Chiropractic.
One of the women whose clothes were made of smoke Gramont Jessie, 19, of Alsip, who celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Sunday.
"I found out three days before my wedding, that the place had caught fire," said Gramont, who attended the opening ceremony on Monday. "I'm planning my wedding for a year and a half, and should, to my dress the next day."
Ghusein said he would not let fire ruin the great day of his client.
"In the back seat of his (de Gramont) car, I have in my phone, I went online and found the manufacturer calls them, they found four dress sizes too big, he was sent into the night we changed the dress the next day," said Ghusein .
Gramont said the cheap wedding dresses was in the morning on a Friday and was due to the size of a seamstress in a matter of hours changed. Your wedding day went off without a hitch.
"We knew what we were doing and did not worry about Roni," said Gramont mother, Robin Reidel, of Alsip.
Ghusein said that practically grew up in the old room 4811 W. 95th St. has created a park in the room changes.
"My grandmother Eva burned founded in 1964, and to see quite traumatic for my family," he said. "I do a lot with her on my shoulder."
Ghusein said that although the fire was devastating, it would be able to get much worse.
"Police and firefighters were wonderful Oak Lawn," said Ghusein. "They kept apologizing that he could not have done more, but what people do not realize is that the roof had collapsed in three different places. He went to the fire department have been tragic."
Sun Ghusein departments offer a big "thank you" in the ribbon cutting.
"They were just wonderful," he said with tears in his eyes.