Just a day after thieves hit a store in Tulsa Wedding is a company to help more of Collinsville.
Tuesday morning, broke into the Palace 71st wedding and Bal Memorial criminals to steal clothes, jewelry and dozens of cheap wedding dresses.
But now, the gene
porosity of some help to save the marriage of brides in Tulsa.
In all Bridal and Tuxedo, Collinsville Dolled up, there are over 500 dresses to choose from. When the shopkeeper heard what happened at the wedding palace, decided to act.
Sherry Campbell was watching the news when he heard that thieves broke into the wedding shop in Tulsa.
"It takes 16 to 24 weeks for a wedding dress in. It's not something that happens overnight. It takes several weeks and even brides companies are more likely to do so, a career is 8 weeks," says Campbell .
You knew it was an opportunity for them to pay for it to different bridal shop owners to help the needy.
"At first there were many other shops that are willing to help me and help me set up the right foot did," said Campbell.
FOX23 went to Collinsville in Tulsa Jerez Elauf Houda, owner of Bridal Palace to meet.
"I just know we're here to support you and do what we can to help," Campbell says Elauf.
Jerez has opened its doors to brides who stole his clothes and donate clothing to the needy.
"I can not say enough to thank the community of Tulsa. The cast supported. I feel so blessed," says Elauf.
Jerez is not the only step, ie, to help.
"People donate their wedding dresses, if I need them. It's like amazing," says Elauf.
Several other companies have offered to replace the stolen jewels.
"I have friends in the United States, the bride has branches and they help me a lot, and I called and found to have the dress in stock and transport during the night," says Elauf.
Eight of the fifteen in January had stolen girlfriends clothes. However, Huda and his team work tirelessly to ensure that each receives a new coat of equal or greater value to bring your wedding day.
With the gift of wedding dress, all in the space to gown and tuxedo, Collinsville Dolled 60% discount. The company has its doors in late January.